Actuary | Data Scientist

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About Me

I am an Actuary focused in Statistics, Risk Modeling and Computer Science.

My experience includes data quality pre-processing, applying statistical, probability and machine learning methods, data visualization and reporting.

My programming path started in 2010 at CCPM where I got my Computational Systems diploma, then, I decided to study Actuarial Science falling in love with the idea of predicting the future. Over the last 2 years I have been working as a Data Analyst / Business Consultant and University Assistant Professor, being involved and leading projects for International Banks, Insurance and Healthcare companies in México.

I moved to Ireland in 2019, looking for an improvement of my communication skills. As a consequence I polished up my soft skills. I always deliver exceptional work and experience to each employer I have worked for.


Management Solutions

Business Consultant

Defining the insurance sales process for Telemarketing Oubound implementing Salesforce and Pure Cloud.

ISI English Language School

Independent R Developer & English Language Exchange Student

Developing Shiny Apps, specific functions and libraries in R according to the customer requirements while I was taking an English Language Exchange Program.

Management Solutions

Data Analytics/Business Consultant

Some of my experience includes analysing and detecting demographic patterns for epidemiology and pharmacoeconomics developing automated visualization tools for it using R and VBA as engine, also I have applied machine learning ensemble methods professionally creating strategies to collect insurance premiums and I have an approach to Big Data.

National University Autonomous of Mexico

Mathematical Analysis Teacher Assistant

Transforming mathematical concepts into simple examples and filling calculus and algebra gaps.

IMEF Universitary

Research and Social Responsibility Vice President

Debates Team Founder, Debates against IPN and EBC School

Talks: "Ahorra o Nunca" (Save Now or Never), "La educación es primero" (Education First)


National University Autonomous of Mexico (UNAM)

Aug. 2013 - Dec. 2017

B.S. Actuarial Science

Mathematics, Statistics, Probability, Finance, Insurance, Linear Algebra, Data Analytics | GPA: 88 (> percentile 94%)

Centro de Computación Profesional de México (CCPM)

Dec. 2011 - Aug. 2013

Systems Computers Technician

Computational Systems, VBA, SQL, and full MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Acess, Publisher, etc.) | GPA: 99 (> percentile 99%, Hons).

Centro de Computación Profesional de México (CCPM)

Sept. 2010 - Dec. 2011

Digital Graphic Design Technician

Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, HTML, Blender, 3D Studio Max, etc. GPA: 100 (> percentile 99%, Hons).


My first R package

Extends the fitdist() (from 'fitdistrplus') adding the Anderson-Darling and Kolmogorov Smirnov Tests as engine, offering a new function which uses mixed and multimodal distributions to fit, these are split via unsupervised learning. Some applications:

-Growth rates among interest rates

-Insurance policies frequency

-Fraud detection

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SQL Reporting tool

Tool to compile SQL queries and R code in the same database, generating automatable driven reports

-Saving roughly 10 hours per week

-SQL, R, Excel and Word (or PDF) integration

-Real Time Analysis

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Ensemble Learning for Time-Series

Time Series Analysis (TSA) to fit more strictly the seasonal component by using Fourier series and machine learning models. This project includes seasonality tests and an automatable ARIMA model to compare discrepancy.

-Population aging

-Pricing, products' consumption and their seasonality

-Emergence of seasonal diseases

-Fraud detection

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Wine production and sales optimization with Time Series and Operations Research

Testing Time Series predictions, getting the optimal wine sales strategy throught Operations Research

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My second R package

The goal of shortcuts is to accelerate code writting in R and RStudio via addins.

-Copy and Paste tables into R without using code.

-Get every agument and its values from a function.

-Automated clean code and apply styling to it.

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Soft Skills

Certificates and Adwards

Programming Languages and Softwares

Statistics & More



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